Spring 2010 Meeting Minutes
West Iron County Fire Department
April 17, 2010
President Iverson
called the meeting to order at 10:07 hours.
The pledge of
Allegiance to the flag was recited.
Roll call of board members showed:
President Chief
Jeff Iverson, Present; Vice President Chief Richard Caudill, Present; Sec./Treas. Chief Jeff Seppala, Present; Trustee Chief
Ken Jacobson, Present; Trustee Chief Mike Yon, Excused.
Membership present as represented by the sign in sheet:
Breitung Twp.,
Watersmeet, Ironwood VFD, Marquette Twp., Skandia/West Branch Twp., Duncan Twp, Spalding Twp, Ironwood Twp FD, Rock River
Twp FD, Sagola Twp FD. Alpha-Mastodon Twp FD, West Iron county FD.
Introduction of guests: No guest’s
Introduction of
New Chief Jim Seppanen Rock River Twp FD.
Approval of the Agenda
A motion was made
by Watersmeet, supported by West Iron County FD to approve the agenda as printed. All
in favor. Motion carried
Approval of the minutes
A motion was made
by Marquette Township supported by Skandia West Branch to approve the September 2009 meeting minutes. All in favor. Motion
Approval of the treasurer’s report
A motion was made
by Skandia West Branch supported by Ironwood VFD to approve the treasurer’s report as printed. All in favor. Motion carried.
Chief Perlongo
in formed the membership that lunch will be at Kermits.
Unfinished Business
Website - Dan
Hammerberg and Ken Jacobson asked If there are items that members wish to have posted on the website, please get in touch
with Dan, Ken, or Jeff. Talked about adding the link to the IMS system. Attempting
to get a listserv set up from and for the website for mass email notifications.
Copier –
Jeff Iverson asked if a copier had been purchased. Jeff Seppala stated that he had not looked into it yet as he was using
the machine in his office to do the mailings. Dick Caudill stated that we had approved the purchase of a new copier some time
ago. The majority felt that any costs incurred while using Alpha’s copier can be reimbursed. Jeff Seppala will look
into purchasing a copier for the association.
New Business
Tournament book
Ad – The membership passed a motion made by Dick Caudill to put a ½ page ad in the tournament book this year.
Fire Marshal Report
Fire marshal Ron
Farr sends his apologies for not being able to attend the meeting due to prior commitments.
Dan gave a brief
synopsis of what is happening in the fire service.
The Fire Safe
Cigarette Legislation is now in effect and as a result the only cigarettes permitted to be sold in Michigan must have the
Fire Safe
Cigarette (FSC
plus bar code) marking in them. This law went into effect January 1, 2010 however
there are provisions in the law to permit those cigarettes still in stock prior to January 1 to be sold without penalty. One of the key things to look for is any cigarette pack that has a Michigan tax stamp
dated January 1, 2010 or later must also have the FSC marking. We expect to have
all old stock off the shelves by late Fall 2010. The Bureau will soon have the
Rules for Enforcement finished and will make notification to the fire service on how do
inspect and report
for enforcement any suspected violations. Information will be put on the Fire Service Connection.
Ron and Joe thank
Dan and Gary for the course scanning they have been doing. All course scanning
is now done at the region offices. They have worked through the backlog and are
now getting courses scanned more quickly than in the past years.
The Bureau continues
to look as the Budget and funding methods. As most are aware there is a proposal
(HB 5999 and HB 6000) to legalize all Consumer Fireworks in Michigan and subsequently use the money generated from the Fireworks
to fund the Bureau and Fire Training.
May 12 and 13
the Bureau of Fire Services will be partnering with other fire service organization to present a program from Fire Team USA
to education all about the value of Residential Sprinklers. This program will
be held at the Marriott Hotel on the campus of Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti and is available at no cost to participants.
Housing for two nights is also available. If anyone is interested have them contact
September 27/28
the Bureau will host a Train-the-Trainer for the NFPA Public Education Program, Risk Watch.
This is an all hazard education program for school age kids. This is a
funded program (through a Grant received from State Farm Insurance) and information can be found in the April Fire Service
Ron states he
looks forward to attending the summer meeting. If anyone has any questions for
the bureau, please don't hesitate to contact him.
Office of Firefighter Training Director’s Report
Joe sends his
apologies for not being able to attend the meeting due to prior commitments.
Dan spoke about
the IMS system and how far it has come and seems to be working well. There was
some discussion on the system as to getting away from the use of social security numbers and how it can work for you. Scan
sheets are using the user ID of the firefighters so have them print out the ID card and use it.
Tanker shuttle
is now back on the course menu in response to inquires made by
the UP Chiefs.
Discussion about
using your County training money provided by the state or giving it to a neighbor so that it get used one way or another.
Jeff Seppala Read
a brief portion of a cc letter he had received from Joe Grutza, OFFT Director, to the U.P Association of County Commissioners.
The letter stated that the MFFTC and the Governors office has asked his office to investigate the possibilities of allowing
transfer of Firefighter training credentials between Michigan and Wisconsin and report back to the council with a procedural
recommendation. Much discussion was had on the subject.
Firefighter Training Council Report
The MFFTC is working
on the reciprocity issue. The issue has been discussed at the MFFTC work sessions.
Dan & Dick
spoke of the necessity of spending county training monies or giving them to another county to spend again.
Michigan State Firemen’s Association Report
No Report
National Volunteer Fire Council Report
No report
Dick Caudill mentioned
that he had enrolled his department in the insurance package they offer; last year it was $10.00 per member for 10k accident/life
insurance that covers you off the fire ground as well.
Jeff Seppala thanked everyone for making him secretary while he was away.
Jeff had a letter from Mike Yon he read mentioning the excellent training provided with Dick’s expertise that
took place in Gwinn. He also apologized for not being able to attend the meeting as he was on a family vacation to Disney.
Dick Caudill said he has been making contacts for future training instructors and would like to provide another session
if the membership would like. He has one contact that would provide a class for free but he is booked up till February or
March next year. He mentioned the association that Ray Hoff belonged to may have other classes available and will be looking
into it. Other instructor contacts he came across charge $3500.00 t0 $6000.00 per class. Membership agreed to get something
Dick also mentioned that he found out the Saginaw County fire chiefs association purchased a fit testing machine &
software that it rotated to different departments that belong and inquired if it was something we could look into possibly
for a regional grant for the UP or a collaborative of such in the western UP. The unit he was aware of cost $8300.00. There
was some discussion on the subject.
Al Perlongos pager went off.
Ken Jacobson thanked everyone for attending and spoke of ways to get more members to attend the meetings and recruit
more members. He asked for suggestions and there was discussion about ways to do just that.
Jeff Iverson mentioned he had received an e-mail from a woman representing Muscular Dystrophy and would like to make
a presentation at the next meeting. She was unable to attend this meeting but Jeff felt that if she could attend the meeting
in Munising she could have her spot on the agenda. Membership agreed.
Jeff also inquired as to what other departments were doing on the narrow banding of pagers & radios. There was
some discussion and most departments are being helped by their 911 or EMD committees. Jeff Seppala offered his Minitor V programming
software if it would save departments money.
Dick mentioned that Saginaw County has cell phone text capability with their paging system, when they are paged a text
comes across your cell phone with the address and info of the incident.
Membership comments
The membership thanked Dick for his hard work researching and setting up the training class in Gwinn.
New Chief Jim Seppanen- Rock River Twp FD said he got more information by coming to this meeting than he ever has hearing
things second hand or not at all. There was discussion about how to get information out to the membership i.e. Such as Links
on the web site etc.
Next meeting is the Annual Meeting to be held in conjunction with the U.P.V.F.F.A/ tournament in Munising on Thursday,
July 22nd, 2010, 10:00 am local (eastern) time, at the William G. Mather Elementary School.
President Iverson asked for a motion to adjourn.
Motion by Duncan Twp supported by Skandia West Branch to adjourn at 11:30 hours.
All in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeffrey D. Seppala
Secretary / Treasurer