Active Members Shall be residents of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and shall be the Fire Chief
or First Subordinate Officer of a volunteer or paid fire or public safety department of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Active members are entitled to vote on all matters of the association and serve as an officer of the association.
Sustaining Members Include any State Agency, person or department located outside the Upper Peninsula
of Michigan. Sustaining members shall participate in the affairs of the association with the following exceptions:
1. Shall not be eligible to vote.
2. Shall not be eligible to hold elective office.
3. Shall not be eligible to make or support a motion.
Associate Members Include individuals, firms, corporations, institutions, societies, associations,
boards, bureaus, or commissions wishing to assist in attaining the objectives of this Association.
Associate members shall have no vote and hold no office in this Association.
Active Life Members Include any retired Fire Chief or First Subordinate Chief having been a member
of this Association for a period of at least one year.
Life members shall have no vote and shall not be required to pay dues. Active Life Members may hold the office
of Secretary-Treasurer.