Annual Meeting Minutes July 28th 2011 Calumet
· Meeting called to order at 10:00 Est. by Chief Caudill
o Chief Caudill Apologized for the confusion of the meeting time.
· Membership Present. (Do not have a sign in sheet.)
· Pledge of allegiance said aloud
· Welcome from the Fire Chief and Firefighters Wife’s prayer recited. There was also a moment
of silence for our fallen firefighters.
· Roll Call;
o President Caudill – Present
o Vice President Perlongo – Present
o Secretary Seppala – Absent (was working)
o Trustee Yon – Present
o Trustee Jacobson – Present
· Approval of the Agenda
o Motion by Tri-county to approve with support from Forsyth Township, all were in favor, motion carried.
· Minutes of the April 23rd Meeting was read aloud by Chief Jacobson.
o Motion by? With support from Ironwood
Township, all were in favor, motion carried.
· Treasurers Report
o Motion by Tri-County to accept with support from Forsyth Township, all in favor to accept the treasurer’s
report as printed.
· Web Site
o Same as the last time, any suggestions or comments are always welcome.
· Training
o Chief Caudill has made contact with two instructors for the spring training seminar. Details will
be mailed out following the fall meeting. The date will be February 4th at the Tail Winds conference center in
Gwinn on the old K.I. Sawyer Base. There was some discussion on the date because of the UPVFFA meeting with the host of next
year’s tournament. It was mentioned that that meeting date is flexible. Chief Caudill stated we need to make our reservation
with the complex in a timely manner.
· Reports
o Joe Grutza from
the Office of Firefighter Training apologized on behalf of Fire Marshal Ron Farr who could not be here because of a prior
o Joe complemented Region 1 Supervisor Dan Hammerberg for doing an exemplary job; there was a round
of applause.
o He went over new policies that were adopted and spoke of the new fire prevention code. Anyone who
attends the code class will receive a copy of the code.
o NFIRS reporting is at 85% up from 47%. Joe asked that we keep up the reporting and hopes those that
do not report will start as the statistics help at the State level for funding the Michigan fire service.
o Joe spoke about the lack of fire investigators in the UP and our concern of that. Fire Marshal Farr
is aware of our concern and steps are being taken to resolve the problem.
o He asked that those who have not signed up to receive the Michigan Fire Service Connection may do
so at and just click on the link at the top of the page to sign up.
o The IMS system is doing well and now has a 5 day turn around on test scores instead of the 6-8 weeks
due to back log.
o The Region retest will be at the West Iron County Fire Department September 24th 8:00
am CST.
o Went over the Instructor 1 program and reciprocity issue. The OFFT will accept IFSAC and Pro-board
certifications. Any questions call Joe directly at 517-235-3496.
o Spoke about County training funding.
o Dan Hammerberg
Thanked the UP training Coordinators for their fine work.
o Blaine Howell from
MSFA thanked everyone for being here and just touched base on the Insurance policy changes and mentions the fall school in
o Wendy Simon from
Front Line Services introduced herself.
· Board Comments
o Perlongo – none
o Yon – none
o Jacobson – Please sign the sign in sheet
o Caudill – Mentioned Gogebic County has their own Fire Investigator through the Sheriff’s
Department and he did a great job on a recent fire they had. Ironwood Public safety has a fire investigator as well, Brandon
Snyder. Also don’t forget to sign up for the Fire Service Connection.
· Next Meeting
o October 1st in Spaulding 10:00 am Local time (Central)
· Adjournment
o Motion by Ironwood with support from Marquette Township to Adjourn, all in favor.