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July 22, 2010
Annual Meeting minutes
Meeting called to order by President Iverson at 10:04 hours at the
William G. Mather auditorium in Munising.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the Officers and members present.
Memorial Service: Fireman's
prayer recited by Munising's Chief Dan Malone.
Roll call of board members:
President Iverson,
Vice President Caudill Present
Secretary/Treasurer Seppala Present
Trustee Jacobson
Trustee Yon
Introduction of guests:
Daniel Zarodkiewicz President MSFA
Brad Harris
Past President MSFA
Blaine Howell
1st Vice President MSFA
Steve Richardson 1st
Director MSFA
Jim Rose
Daniel Hammerberg Region 1 OFFT
Ronald Farr
State Fire Marshal
Approval of the agenda:
• A motion was made by Marquette Township and supported by Republic Township, all in favor,
motion carried.
Minutes of the April 17 2010 meeting:
• With no additions or corrections a motion was made by Spaulding Township and supported
by Au-train to accept the minutes as printed and to place on file. All were in favor, motion carried.
Treasurers Report:
• A motion was made by Rock River Township and support by West Iron County to accept the
treasurers report as printed and place on file. All were in favor.
• Robert Black, candidate for the 110th district state representative gave an
update on the Michigan / Wisconsin firefighter training credentials reciprocity issue currently being looked into by the State
fire marshal and the OFFT. Bob also gave an update on the current fireworks legislation.
Unfinished Business:
• Training: Vice President Caudill gave
an update on his search for a training instructor / speaker and has found on for free. He just needs to fit into his schedule
as he is very busy being free. Dick also mentioned the Firefighter challenge in Iron River on September 18th ,
all paper work must be in the hands of the instructor (Bob Black) by August 1st and will be IFSTA 5 only test.
• The printer was mentioned again and it was approved for purchase 4 years ago and since
Jeff will be using it he can make the best decision on the purchase.
New Business:
• Tri-County Chief Kenneth VanDorn mentioned that his department was in the running for a
new E-one fire truck and asked for everyone's vote on the website www.e-one.com his department is
1 of 7 in the running.
• Ironwood township made a motion that the U.P. Chief's endorse Robert T. Black for State
Representative of the 110th district, support by West Iron County, all were in favor, motion carried.
• Bob Black brought up the fact the Firefighter license plate issue that Dan O'Brien had
started years ago fell to the wayside and Bob would like to start it back up again. A motion was made by Alpha- Mastodon and
supported by Marquette Township to get it going again. All were in favor and the motion carried.
• Fire Marshal Report:
• Fire Marshal Ron Farr welcomed all to this years tournament. He spoke of the challenges
of budget issue , cost recovery program for 2011 fee based program ordered by the Governor which will not occur due to strong
opposition in the fire service.
• He spoke of the need for departments to report
on the NIFRS system, only 43% were reporting before letters were sent out. 83% are now reporting but he has a goal of 100%.
We are in the top ¼ in the USA for reporting States.
• Ron spoke of grants he received and grants that were lost due to misinformation.
• Ron commented on the IMS system and thanked the Chiefs for updating the records. He also
thanked and gave a kudos to Dan & Joe for their hard work getting the system as up to date as possible in a timely manner.
• Ron mentioned the train the trainer program for the risk watch program funded through State
Farm Ins. Which will be held Sept. 27 & 28th it is a free 1-1/2 day program, call for details.
• Ron spoke about the fire safe cigarette legislation that had recently passed. We were one
of the last states to pass this legislation, now all 50 states are fire safe. Studies have already shown that injury and fires
from cigarettes have reduced by 50 to 60 %. Local Chief's have the authority
to inspect for firesafe labels on cigarettes were they are sold in your jurisdiction and pass the information on to his office
for legal action.
• Ron mentioned that they are moving the Under & above ground storage tank program from
the DNRE to the BFS.
• Urged all to sign up for the Fire Service Connection to stay informed on state issues in
the BFS at www.michigan.gov/bfs .
• Touched base on the legislation on residential sprinkler systems (2009 bldg codes) and
on the fire prevention code related to schools & health care facilities as well as the life safety code for penal institutions.
• Touched base on the Tanker shuttle class now back on line.
• He also mentioned that the DNRE and the USFS have a training grant for the fire wise program
to train you to interact with the community.
• He was also given approval to hire 3 vacancies for field inspectors and 1 secretary.
• He and his committees are looking into the firefighter reciprocity issue.
• Touched base on the fireworks legislation and how it is projected to bring between 3 &
7 million to the fire service funding.
• Bob Black (Alpha-Mastodon) motioned for the UP Chiefs to support the Fireworks legislation
bill HB5999 as it is good for the fire service, with a motion of support by Rock River Twp. There was some discussion
about the money & safety but all were in favor and the motion carried.
Office of Firefighter Train Report:
Region 1 director Dan Hammerberg apologized
on behalf of Joe Grutza for his not being able to attend.
Dan touched base on the IMS system and all
you can and can't do with it. He urged all to have department members use it as well.
Dan talked about county training money and
to have requests in by Jan 1st, also if not using it to send a letter of intent to give your share to another county.
Dan mentioned that the state will be hiring
3 training coordinators for the UP.
Firefighters Training Council Report: NO
Michigan State Fireman's Association Report:
Jim Rose stated that the Members will be judging
the dress parade tonight.
They are active in the 2 hatter issue. MIOSHA
part 74 approved for review committee.
Memorial wall applications need to be in by
August 1st.
The fall school is the 1st weekend
in November.
NVFC Report: No Report
Michigan Chief's Association: NO Report
Comments: No Comments
Next meeting, Fall meeting: Will be held Saturday September 25th 2010. 10:00 am CST. In Wakefield at
the VFW hall on US-2.
Adjournment: Motioned by
Scandia and supported by West Iron County to adjourn at 11:14 hours Est. All
in favor motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey D. Seppala
Secretary / treasurer